Representatives of the Presbyterian Community of Congo (CPC) and the Presbyterian Community of Kinshasa (CPK) will provide key presentations on education at the Congo Mission Network Conference March 14-16. Keep reading to learn more!
At a conference with the theme, “Education for Transformation: Equipping Congolese Youth for the Future,” it is good to hear from on-the-ground experts on education in Congo. On Thursday, March 14, attendees will watch the video, “An Overview of Education in DRC.” Presenters are Ilunga Munyoka of Kananga, Coordinator of Schools for the CPC for Central Kasai, and Muamba Mpoyi Samuel of Mbuji-Mayi, also representing the CPC. Facilitators at the session will be the Rev. Bill Reinhold, co-chair of the conference and recent visitor to CPC and CPK schools, and José LaMont Jones, mission co-worker in Kinshasa and educational specialist to the CPK.

On Friday, Mar. 15 at 2 p.m., there will be a video presentation on “Congolese Government’s Policy on Education.” It will focus on the education benchmarks the government wants to meet in Congo. Presenter on the video will be Dr. Freddy Nsapu, head of education for CPK. Among government goals he will discuss are having short-term training in trades such as electricity, sewing, plumbing, and auto mechanics. Bill Reinhold and José LaMont Jones will facilitate this presentation at the conference also.