The Congo Mission Network (CMN) meets yearly to review progress in partnerships with the Presbyterian Church in the Congo and to plan out the next year’s activities. CMN will host an in-person conference next spring, March 14-16, 2024, at the Charleston Atlantic Presbytery Conference Center in Charleston, South Carolina. For details, click here. More information is soon to come!
Author: Editor
Save the Date for the 2018 Congo Mission Network Conference!
October 11-13, 2018
Simonsdale Presbyterian Church Portsmouth,VA
Swords Into Plowshares:
Transformative Ministries in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Please join us as we connect around supporting various ministries and areas of development in the Congo, while exploring methods of peacefully advocating for change in the DRC! Download “Save the Date” flyer and a 2018 CMN brochure!
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A New 2017 CMN Publicity Brochure is available!
Anne Crane recently updated our 2017 Congo Mission Network brochure and it is now available for you to download and use to share about our activities. The brochure is a 3-fold brochure designed to be printed on letter paper (landscape). Please click below and download it and use it in your church!
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Save the Date for the 2017 Congo Mission Network Conference
September 21-23, 2017
Lafayette-Orinda Presbyterian Church
Lafayette, California
Moving Mountains in the Congo Through Reconciliation
Find out what DRCongo partners have been doing and explore how we can move forward to continue supporting ministries in the Congo. Reconnect with your friends and make new ones who also have a passion for the Congo — and have great fun together like those who attended last year. As we’ll be in California this year, here’s an opportunity to combine the Conference with a vacation in the Golden State during the best time of the year to visit.
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Article about William Sheppard and Congo Mission History
The Spring 2017 issue of the Mission Crossroads magazine contains a fine article by Michael Parker on William Sheppard and the early history of the Presbyterian missions in Congo. We have received permission from the editor of the Mission Crossroads magazine to provide a PDF version on this website for your reference.
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Raising funds for new Bupole schools near Kananga
Continue reading “Raising funds for new Bupole schools near Kananga”