Don’t miss the two-part Health Session Oct. 3 and Oct. 10! You will hear new and surprising information. Continue reading “Congo Network Mulls Health Care in Time of COVID-19”
Don’t miss the two-part Health Session Oct. 3 and Oct. 10! You will hear new and surprising information. Continue reading “Congo Network Mulls Health Care in Time of COVID-19”
Thanks to all who came to the first session of the 2020 virtual conference Sept. 16! Please enjoy the video and plan to come to the next session, “Health Care in the Time of COVID-19,” Oct. 3 and 10. Continue reading “Launch Was Joyful! Please Attend Sessions Oct. 3 and 10”
The Worship and Introduction Session will launch the 2020 Congo Mission Network Conference in 10 time zones on Wednesday, Sept. 11. Continue reading “Worship and Intro Session Launches 2020 Conference”
We have created a new YouTube channel for our videos. Videos from the conference sessions will be posted there as soon as they are available. To visit the channel, you can click on this link: Congo Mission Network YouTube Channel or go to YouTube and search for “Congo Mission Network”. This information is always available under the “About” menu on the upper right of this website.
Join us on Wednesday, Sept 16, for the US/ Congo Worship Service and Conference Launch — 11 a.m. EDT, 4 p.m. West Africa Time and 5 p.m. Central Africa Time. Continue reading “Please Join US/Congo/ Worship Service Sept. 16”