“Congo 101” Provides Crash Course on Presbyterian US/Congo Partnerships

Do you wish you knew exactly what the Presbyterian Church does in the Democratic Republic of Congo? This is for you!

Do you wish you knew exactly what the Presbyterian Church does in the Democratic Republic of Congo?
…Or who makes up the Congo Mission Network?
…Or what the Congolese and U.S. partners accomplish together?

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Rev. Denise Anderson to deliver keynote address for the 2020 Congo Mission Network Conference

Rev. Denise Anderson
Rev. Denise Anderson

The Rev. Denise Anderson, Coordinator for Racial and Intercultural Justice of Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and Co-Moderator of the 222nd General Assembly (2016), will deliver the keynote address for the opening session of the Congo Mission Network Virtual Conference on Sept. 16.

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Congo Mission Network to Host Virtual 2020 Annual Conference This Fall

CMN 2020 Website LogoWe are pleased to announce the Congo Mission Network will host a Virtual Annual Conference in the fall of 2020. It will begin Sept. 16 with a pre-taped online worship service and introduction involving participants from across the U.S. and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Later sessions will focus on a range of timely topics. The CMN Steering Committee is planning the 2020 virtual event now. All are welcome.

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